About Us

About Business

Fire accidents have been persistent in our society for many years. There is a need for newer and innovative safety equipment in order to curtail the irreparable destruction that can be caused by a fire accident. That is exactly what we bring to the table.

Fx Safe and Safety Products LLP. is a company that aims at bringing a change in the fire safety technology. Our innovative products can provide increased protection against fire damages with the help of smarter technologies. We also believe in sustainable development and have designed our products to achieve the same.

The Fire Xterminator (FX) is a state-of-the-art product in the fire safety technology. It makes use of Self Activating Fire Extinguisher (S.A.F.E) mechanism to safeguard the users during a fire accident.

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Fx envisions a society that is safe from the catastrophic effects of fire accidents. We strive towards building a society where the scale of destruction caused by a fire is minimal and eventually, make the world a better and safer place to live in.


Introduce smarter technologies in the field of fire safety equipment. Our innovative solutions will help in safeguarding the customers so as to minimize the damages caused by a fire. The Fire Xterminator helps achieve this cause in various sectors and eventually help in achieving a fire proof society.


( Retired Joint Director of Industries)

B.E(Civil),M.B.A,F.I.E,PG.Dip in Envrn Eng

Founder, Chairman

(Subash Chandra)

B.E, MECH Engg

Co-Founder & CEO